While completing her degree in nonfiction writing at The Evergreen State College, Felisa Rogers landed a job as a junior copywriter for a Spanish language book distributor, Libros Sin Fronteras (now a division of Baker and Taylor). She discovered that years of essay writing had honed her talent for writing convincing commentary on books she had never read. She was promoted to copy chief. After three years of managing print content for the company's catalog, newsletter, and Web site, she moved to Seattle, where she built a career as a freelance writer and editor. Over the last ten years, she has created a diverse portfolio, including writing articles for salon.com and travel site peoplesguide.com and writing and editing copy for many fields, such as sustainable food, sustainable industry, fashion, publishing, education, parenting, and technology. She writes masterful product descriptions and develops content for catalogs, Web sites, newsletters, press releases, pitch letters, reviews, e-learning courses, course descriptions, tests, speeches, presentations, podcasts, book covers, educational resources, direct marketing campaigns, promotional articles, and brochures. She taught writing to kids for five years, and implemented a dynamic blogging program in the classroom. She has edited three books. She loves her work. You will too. Contact info here.