I've now been indoors for 80 hours. Yesterday we walked up to the top story to watch the sunset. There's no roof access, but I found a little balcony with a view of the Centro Historico. Funny how being deprived of outward stimulus makes simple things seem exciting. Many of you know that I'm a sunset obsessed---watching the sunset is about as close as I come to a religious devotion. So I normally pay attention. But last night it seemed like everything was extra bright and fascinating, even though the sun was obscured by a bank of grey. In addition to the towers of tangerine clouds cut through by jets, I was captivated by the blinking lights of the Torre Latinoamerica (one of my favorite buildings) and the pedestrians milling in the street below. And then, just as we were about to go, the sky fractured with lightening.
We had planned on waiting till the people dissipated so we could take a walk. But that doesn't happen till about 8 PM and in the end we got lazy after dinner, and watched our prescribed episode of dubbed-in-Spanish bootleg ALF (it was terrible but ALF looks amazing in a suit), and Breaking Bad.
Today I thought about going to the mini mart to stock up on soda water (probably neck-in-neck with sunsets as one of the guiding fixations of life), but I didn't. Weird how staying in becomes a habit. I know we're being more careful than many people in areas with higher level of reported infection, but it's scary here because so many people aren't taking it seriously, the population is insanely dense, and the country is extremely ill-prepared to deal with the crises. Healthcare workers were protesting in the streets today because they don't have the correct safety gear and Mexico has less than half of the hospital beds per capita as Italy. Meanwhile, the sidewalks are choked with people going about their business. It feels like this city is going to go up like wildfire.
Anyway, you get to thinking...What if I got sick or made someone else sick just because I wanted some fucking soda water? Am I really that effete? Maybe I'll just stay inside and look at this comments section...
What did you do today?